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Overview/Description ADO.NET allows developers to create applications that are driven by data and services. This course identifies the various ways to manage ADO.NET connections and also details how to access data by using command objects and the DataReader object. Specific topics covered in the course include an introduction to ADO.NET, defining ADO.NET Connection objects, managing connections with Visual Basic 2010, and using ADO.NET command objects and DataReaders. This course is one of a series in the SkillSoft learning path that covers the objectives for the Technology Specialist:...
Overview/Description ADO.NET DataSet objects allow developers to utilize cached versions of data when working within disconnected data environments. This course examines the various aspects of DataSets and their role as one of the key components of the ADO.NET architecture. Specific topics covered include creating DataSets with Visual Basic 2010, working with typed and untyped DataSets, and configuring typed DataSets and DataAdapters. This course is one of a series in the SkillSoft learning path that covers the objectives for the Technology Specialist: Accessing Data with Microsoft .NET...
Overview/Description ADO.NET connections and commands are crucial components of building data-driven applications. This course examines managing connections using connection pools and configuration files, as well as stored procedures, and using generic data-access code to establish a connection. Specific topics covered include optimizing ADO.NET connections and commands, ADO.NET transactions, and working with Multiple Active Result Sets (MARS) and asynchronous commands. This course is one of a series in the SkillSoft learning path that covers the objectives for the Technology Specialist:...
Overview/Description Microsoft Sync Framework allows developers to create applications with the ability to display up-to-date data at all times. The course examines how to enable efficient, remote use of data using the Microsoft Sync Framework database synchronization API. This course also demonstrates how to deploy, monitor, and secure ADO.NET applications. This course is one of a series in the SkillSoft learning path that covers the objectives for the Technology Specialist: Accessing Data with Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Exam 70-516. Passing this exam will earn the learner credit towards...
Overview/Description ADO.NET DataSets allow developers to easily update and manage data sources using Visual Basic 2010. This course examines how DataSets are used to update source data and also how to manage the integrity of the data being updated. Specific topics covered include updating data sources, committing changes to data sources, managing data integrity, and how to deal with data concurrency violations and exceptions. This course is one of a series in the SkillSoft learning path that covers the objectives for the Technology Specialist: Accessing Data with Microsoft .NET Framework 4...
Overview/Description The ability to view and navigate data in an efficient fashion is vital to any robust data application. This course explains how to accomplish this using ADO.NET DataSets and Visual Basic 2010. Specific topics covered include how to manage and constrain data relationships in a DataSet using DataRelation objects and ForeignKeyConstraints, and accessing and manipulating data using DataViews and the DataViewManager. This course is one of a series in the SkillSoft learning path that covers the objectives for the Technology Specialist: Accessing Data with Microsoft .NET...
Overview/Description The ADO.NET Entity Framework provides developers with the tools and framework elements they need to create unique, flexible data applications, while minimizing the amount of code required. This course explores the various ways you can employ the ADO.NET Entity Framework to develop and optimize data applications. Specific topics covered include Entity Data Models, ADO.NET Object Services, POCO support, the EntityClient Provider and Connection Strings, and WCF Data Services. This course is one of a series in the SkillSoft learning path that covers the objectives for the...

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